Uji Sightseeing Spots to Enjoy in Kimono

Uji is a beautiful city steeped in Japanese tradition and history, and there are many places you can visit wearing a kimono to further appreciate its charm.

Here we introduce some of the most popular sightseeing spots in Uji that can be enjoyed in kimono.

Uji River

First, a walk along the Uji River is recommended.

The Uji River is known for its clear waters, and is a perfect location to enjoy the changing of the seasons, with cherry blossoms in spring and autumn leaves in fall.

Walking along the river in kimono, the elegant townscape and the scenery reflected on the water are even more beautiful.

Along the river, there are many quaint teahouses and souvenir shops where visitors can take a break and relax.

Phoenix Hall, Equality House

Byodoin Phoenix Hall, located in Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture, is one of Japan’s representative Buddhist temples, known worldwide for its beautiful appearance and historical value.

The atmosphere of the temple is especially appealing when you visit wearing a kimono.

First of all, the greatest attraction of the Phoenix Hall is its architectural style.

The Byodoin Phoenix Hall is a wooden structure built in the early Kamakura period (1185-1333) and is characterized by its symmetrical multiple overlapping roofs.

This is an expression of the Buddhist philosophy of the Paradise of the Pure Land, and its magnificent appearance is truly a sight to behold.

If you visit the Phoenix Hall wearing a kimono, you can feel the atmosphere and history of the ancient capital of Kyoto.

The garden surrounding the Phoenix Hall is another highlight of the tour.

In particular, the blue maple trees and karesansui (dry landscape) garden surrounding the Phoenix Hall is a place where visitors can enjoy beautiful seasonal scenery.

The cherry blossoms and fresh greenery in the spring and the autumn leaves in the fall offer different atmospheres in each season.

By walking around wearing a kimono, visitors can fully appreciate the harmony of nature and architectural beauty.

Inside the Phoenix Hall, the main statue of Amida Nyorai is enshrined, and is known as a masterpiece of Buddhist art.

Upon entering the interior, visitors can experience the traditional Japanese culture of taking off their shoes.

Visitors dressed in kimonos will find their visit to be in harmony with the sacred atmosphere of the temple and will have a purifying experience.

Furthermore, the Phoenix Hall is designated as a National Treasure and is in a very good state of preservation.

It is a special experience to be able to take a leisurely tour of this historic building while wearing a kimono, feeling close to its historical architecture.

From the exterior to the interior of the building, visitors can appreciate the beauty of the Ho-o-oh-do Hall and its historical weight in every detail.

Hōōdō is located in an easily accessible location within Uji City.

It is also relatively close to Kyoto City, making it easily accessible.

When visiting Ho-oh-do Hall wearing a kimono, it is a good idea to look around the nearby teahouses and souvenir stores.

Visitors can enjoy local delicacies and crafts and spend the day at a leisurely pace.

Byodoin Phoenix Hall is the embodiment of Japanese aesthetics and spirituality, and a visit in kimono will allow you to fully enjoy its unique atmosphere.

We encourage you to visit in kimono to experience the beautiful harmony of history and nature, as well as the precious experience of Buddhist teachings.

Uji Bridge

The view of the town of Uji and the flow of the Uji River from this bridge is spectacular, especially when you are wearing a kimono.

Uji Bridge, with its historical significance, has appeared in many literary works, and is a place where one can fully enjoy the atmosphere of good old Japan.

In the evening, the scenery with the setting sun is also exceptional.

Uji Shrine

Uji Shrine is also worth a visit in kimono.

The shrine has long been rooted in Uji, and the approach to the shrine and its grounds are filled with a sacred atmosphere.

Wearing a kimono to visit the shrine blends harmoniously with its atmospheric atmosphere, and allows visitors to enjoy a traditional Japanese shrine tour.

Especially during the festival season, local people can be seen paying homage to the shrine in kimono, providing a good opportunity to experience the local culture.

Ujigami Shrine and Ujishita Shrine

In addition, Ujigami Shrine and Ujishita Shrine are also worth visiting in kimono.

Together with Uji Shrine, these shrines are known as the three Uji shrines and are also known as power spots.

The natural surroundings and historical buildings around the shrines will make you feel as if you have stepped back in time when you visit in a kimono.

The harmony of the sacred atmosphere and traditional costumes will deeply impress you.

Mimuroto-ji Temple

Visiting Mimuroto-dera Temple in kimono is an even more atmospheric experience that blends harmoniously with the scenery.

The view from the temple’s main hall is spectacular, and the surrounding trees and mountains in autumn colors are truly beautiful.

The scene of the soft texture of the kimono harmonizing with the weight of the historical buildings in the tranquil precincts of the temple will deeply move you.

Furthermore, Mimuroto-ji Temple holds various events each season, allowing visitors to enjoy the atmosphere of each season.

From April to May, azaleas are at their best, and from June to July, hydrangeas are at their best.

Wearing a kimono, visitors will be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery of each season.

The promenade is a perfect spot to enjoy the flowers and autumn leaves in spring and fall, and a stroll in kimono will be an exceptional experience.

The harmony of nature and history in Uji will refresh you both physically and mentally.

Finally, Mimuroto-dera Temple is located in Uji City and is relatively easy to access from Kyoto City.

A day spent wearing a kimono and enjoying the historic temple and its natural surroundings will provide a good opportunity to calm your mind away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Mimuroto-ji Temple is a beautiful place where history and nature are in harmony. By visiting the temple wearing a kimono, you can fully enjoy the atmosphere and charm unique to the ancient capital of Uji. Why not spend a relaxing time while feeling the expression of each season?

Matcha experience and matcha sweets

Finally, you can also experience tea culture in Uji.

Uji is famous as the birthplace of Uji tea, and there are many teahouses and cafes where visitors can enjoy Uji tea in kimono.

You will be able to enjoy Uji’s tea culture in kimono by experiencing a traditional tea ceremony, tasting tea, and strolling through tea fields.

Another attraction is that you can enjoy the taste of tea and the scenery of each season in particular.


There are many beautiful sightseeing spots in Uji where you can enjoy wearing a kimono, where history and culture are in harmony.

We hope you will enjoy your trip to Uji to your heart’s content, where you can feel the atmosphere of the ancient capital while wearing a kimono.