Kimono Sightseeing Spots in Uji, Kyoto in September 2024

1. The Charm of Uji and Reasons to Tour in Kimono

Uji is a historical town dating back to the Heian period (794-1192), and there are many places where you can feel the atmosphere of the ancient capital, such as the World Heritage Site Byodoin Phoenix Hall and the beautiful Uji River.
By wearing a kimono, you can blend in with the cityscape and feel as if you have stepped back in time.
September in Uji is the perfect time to stroll around in kimono, as the heat eases and signs of autumn can be felt.
Kimonos make the experience even more colorful, especially when visiting Uji’s matcha cafes and historical shrines and temples.

2. Kimono rental stores and recommended plans

There are several kimono rental stores in Uji that offer kimono rentals for tourists.
For example, “Uji Kimono Rental Shop” and “Kyo no Kimono Shop” offer a wide variety of kimonos, obis, and hair ornaments.
Professional staff will dress you, even if it is your first time.

A recommended plan is to rent a kimono in the morning and take a tour of Byodoin Phoenix Hall, Ujigami Shrine, and other famous places.
Walking along the Uji River, eating green tea soft ice cream and taking pictures with the Uji Bridge in the background will be a wonderful memory.
In the evening, it is also fun to enjoy matcha sweets at a riverside café and watch the sunset.

3. Tour of famous places in Uji

Byodoin Phoenix Hall

Byodoin Phoenix Hall is a symbol of Uji and a World Heritage Site where you can feel the aristocratic culture of the Heian period.
The beautiful architecture and gardens of the Phoenix Hall are a perfect match for a kimono.
In the front garden of the Phoenix Hall, seasonal flowers are in full bloom, making it a popular photo spot.

Ujigami Shrine

Ujigami Shrine is the oldest existing shrine building and is tucked away in a quiet forest.
Wearing a kimono to visit the shrine gives visitors a sense of the ancient times.
A stroll in the shrine grounds, with the sun shining through the trees, will calm your mind.

Uji Bridge

Uji Bridge is one of the oldest bridges in Japan and an important landmark for crossing the Uji River.
The view of the river from the bridge is beautiful, and walking on the bridge in a kimono is like a scene from a period drama.
Uji Bridge Street is lined with traditional teahouses and souvenir stores, and tasting Uji tea and Japanese sweets while strolling along is also recommended.

4. Matcha Experience in Uji

Uji is famous for its matcha (powdered green tea) production, which dates back to the Heian period (794-1192).
Wearing a kimono and experiencing Uji’s matcha culture will be a special memory.
There are also many cafes and restaurants where you can enjoy sweets and dishes using matcha.

Nakamura Tokichi Honten

Nakamura Tokichi Honten is famous for its sweets using Uji’s matcha green tea.
Visitors can enjoy a variety of menu items such as matcha parfait and matcha soba noodles.
You will feel even more elegant if you visit in a kimono.

Ito Kyuemon

Ito Kyuemon is another long-established shop in Uji that offers delicious matcha sweets.
Matcha soft serve ice cream and seasonal Japanese sweets are popular. Entering the store in kimono will add a special touch to your visit.

5. Events in Uji to Enjoy in Kimono

A variety of events are held in Uji in September.
Of particular note is the “Uji River Lantern Festival. At this event, beautiful lanterns are lined up along the Uji River, creating a fantastic atmosphere.
If you visit wearing a kimono, a stroll in the light will feel even more romantic.

The Uji Citizens’ Festival also features traditional performances and booths where visitors can enjoy local delicacies.
By participating in the festival in kimono, you can easily interact with the locals and have a more in-depth experience.

6. Manners and Points to Note in Uji

When visiting Uji, it is important to observe local etiquette.
In particular, when sightseeing in a kimono, be careful when moving around and going up and down stairs, as the clothing is not easy to move around in.
In addition, basic courtesies should be observed at shrines and temples, such as taking off hats and visiting quietly.

It is also important to keep in mind that kimono rental stores have fixed return times, so it is important to check the schedule.
Please be very careful not to lose any of your rental accessories.

7. Access and Transportation in Uji

Uji is easily accessible from Kyoto City, and can be reached in about 30 minutes by JR Nara Line or Keihan Train.
Bicycle rental services are available around the station, and you can also enjoy a leisurely tour of the city on a bicycle while wearing a kimono.
There is also a good bus service, making it easy to get to your destination.

8. Seasonal Fun in Uji

September is the season of gradual transition to autumn with the remnants of summer.
The trees along the Uji River begin to change colors, and the scenery becomes more photo-worthy.
The contrast between the colors of the kimono and the natural surroundings is beautiful, making it a good time to share your photos on Instagram and other social networking sites.

As autumn deepens, the leaves of Byodoin Temple and Ujigami Shrine are at their best and the precincts are decorated with vivid colors.
One of the charms of this tour is that you can enjoy it differently each time by changing the pattern and color of your kimono depending on the season you visit.


Uji offers visitors a special experience with its historical background and beautiful scenery.
In particular, strolling around Uji wearing a kimono is a rare opportunity to experience Japanese culture in depth.
Uji in September is a pleasant season when autumn begins to take hold, making it the perfect time to visit the city in kimono.
Visiting historical sites, enjoying gourmet food unique to the home of matcha green tea, and participating in fantastic events will surely make your trip a memorable one.
We hope you enjoy your time in Uji to the fullest.